Power in Partnership (PIP) Ensures a Bright Future for Halton’s Youth

Feb 15, 2024

In 2024, Runcorn is set to undergo a remarkable transformation with exciting new developments and investments in the town’s future. One of those projects a part of Reconnecting Runcorn is Youthy.com-.

In the face of significant challenges posed over the last couple of years, Power in Partnership (PIP) stands firm in its commitment to the youth of Halton Borough Council. With the government scaling back non-essential services, PIP emphasises the importance of maintaining and expanding local community centres’ youth services. Research shows that 39% of people living in England feel that there is not a strong sense of community spirit where they live – the highest percentage in the UK. This powerful project will result in a regenerated economy and address the issues associated with the lack of vital youth programs, contributing to a brighter future for Runcorn.

The need for community and belonging for young people is as important as ever with 7 in 10 (69%) feeling it was important to feel like part of the local community. Young people are the future of our communities, and their need for a sense of belonging and connection is crucial. By investing in the regeneration of the new youth hub, approximately £2 million (100% Government Town Deal funding), this project creates a safe and engaging space where young people can come together, build relationships, and create the sense of community they crave as opposed to the stark alternative of street corners and parks, where anti-social activities tend to arise.

Navigating the challenges presented by the pandemic, PIP demonstrated resilience by continuing its work with young people in Halton. The stress on children and families during this time was immense, prompting PIP to not only provide immediate support but also to strategically plan for the future of its services.

In this planning phase, PIP acknowledges the valuable input from the young minds it serves. Despite their age, our young people possess “big ideas” that shape the blueprint for PIP’s future initiatives. Currently hosting 80 young people at its Grangeway Centre, PIP anticipates doubling this number in Old Town within the first six months.

Through its project, PIP is inspiring creativity and personal growth in young people and providing them with opportunities to flourish. The organisation is committed to offering a diverse range of activities, ensuring there is something for everyone. From Film Nights and Open Access Evenings to Targeted Evenings catering to SEND or anxious young people, PIP aims to create inclusive spaces.

With this project, PIP is fostering creativity and activities that enable young people to flourish. Exciting additions to their offerings include Cookery Sessions, Table Tennis, TikTok Dances, and opportunities for Internet and Gaming enthusiasts. In a unique initiative called “Veg Heads,” PIP plans to encourage a connection with nature by teaching young people to grow their own vegetables.

Power in Partnership for Halton Borough Council is a driving force ensuring that the youth of Halton have the support, resources, and provided with opportunities to thrive, even in the face of adversity. Together, PIP cultivating a brighter future for the young people of Halton and inspiring them to reach for their full potential.

Check out the virtual reality film of what the space will look like: Power In Partnership new site, with thanks to K2 Architects, Liverpool.

*Stats from the 2023 Community Research Index from National Lottery Fund

 For more information visit www.reconnectingruncorn.info or email [email protected].

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