Halton Borough Council has revealed new design concepts that show how The Brindley Theatre would look under ambitious plans to develop the existing building and surrounding area.
The new design has been developed by a consultancy team led by Arcadis, and includes Ellis Williams Architects from Preston Brook. The new design responds to the updated brief to integrate the local library into the Brindley, and shows a marked difference with the initial concept design released 2020.
The Brindley Theatre Enhancement would see an extension to current facilities to create a larger cafe-restaurant and a welcoming community space on Brindley Green. Under the latest plans, the library currently located at Granville Street will be relocated and integrated in to The Brindley building. It is envisaged the integration of the library will further enhance facilities and attract new visitors.
The Architect presented the design to the Runcorn Town Deal Board at their recent meeting and the plans were well received by the Board.
Talking about the designs, Cllr Paul Nolan, portfolio holder for Employment, Learning and Skills, and Community said: “Since it opened its doors in 2004, The Brindley has become a much-loved venue and landmark for Runcorn, drawing high-profile national and international performers who attract visitors from across the region and beyond.
“These designs, which complement the iconic design of the current building, will see The Brindley welcoming even more people and being the catalyst to creating a flourishing cultural hub that will be a boost to the town centre economy.”
Ward Councillor and member of the Runcorn Town Deal Board, Cllr Norman Plumpton-Walsh, added: “The proposed accessible Brindley Green will offer new open spaces for local people to enjoy right in the heart of the town centre. In addition, we hope that independent businesses on the high street will benefit from the increased volumes of visitors enjoying the enhanced facilities.”
The Brindley Enhancement project is one of seven that together form the ‘Reconnecting Runcorn’ Town Investment Plan, aimed at making Runcorn a prime location, by providing the workforce, connectivity and infrastructure business needs to thrive.
The project will be allocated £6,606,231 of £23.6million awarded to the Runcorn Town Investment plan as part of the Government’s Town Deal announced in July 2021.
A business case for the project will be submitted to Government this summer. This will be scrutinised by Government and, if accepted, funding will be released. A planning application could be submitted as early as summer 2022.
The other Reconnecting Runcorn projects are:
Runcorn Station Quarter £1,245,643: A new enterprise facility at the station gateway, with quality modern offices, that are not available in the town centre. This will attract new businesses, providing a wider variety of job opportunities in the heart of the community, more accessible to local people.
Unlock Runcorn £4,918,025: A new and unique visitor attraction, maximising the use of heritage and waterway assets, providing increased footfall and spend, to make the town centre thrive.
Town Centre New Homes £960,294: New quality homes on a variety of sites, which have been left undeveloped due to contamination and other issues. This will provide new homes for an ageing population, a consequence of the new town development, and attract families with young children.
High Street Connectivity £2,820,198: A more pedestrian and cycling friendly High Street environment, providing better local connections, and more opportunities for active lifestyles, social interaction and wellbeing.
Health and Education Hub £2,853,520: A new health and education facility on the high street providing local residents improved access to a wider variety of health, wellbeing, and training services
Creative and Digital Skills Centre £3,960,089: A new skills facility on the high street providing, especially young people, access to creative and digital play, learn, and training for future employment opportunities
To keep up to date with Reconnecting Runcorn, visit