Breaking Ground across Runcorn!

Oct 15, 2024

Local MP Mike Amesbury welcomed a tour around Reconnecting Runcorn’s flagship projects, where onsite works have commenced, completed or progressed on all 8 of the projects this quarter. These exciting project updates include:

  • Structures are going in at the High Street New Homes with Halton Housing
  • Unlock Runcorn begin an archaeological excavation to reach the bullnose
  • Construction begins at
  • The Brindley Enhancement is underway
  • Peace and tranquillity as work finishes on the Peace Garden at the Buddhist Temple

Representing the Runcorn constituency Mr Amesbury met with project representatives to hear more about each of them and what is next for them.

The projects, funded by UK Government’s Towns Fund as part of the Town Deals Programme, will be delivered by the Runcorn Town Investment Plan, and has been in progress since July 2021. For the past four months there has been a lot going on behind the scenes that the public will now start to see come to fruition on the high street, we were delighted that MP was able to take the time to see the fantastic progress and share the pride in the projects works to date and future visions for the town of Runcorn.

Halton Housing High Street New Homes

Work has started to develop 66 self-contained independent living apartments for over 55s in the area. Partnering with Legacie contracts to complete the work, this project will be the first fully social rent living scheme developed by Halton Housing. Expected to be ready in Spring 2026, Ria Griffiths explained to Mike that the development is not only producing jobs during the construction phase but will also be generating jobs once work has completed for the maintenance of the buildings. Traditionally, as part of the plans the development would have had services such as a bistro and hairdresser facilities on site. However, as part of the Reconnecting Runcorn programme and the location of these homes on the High Street, this development is encouraging residents to use the local businesses and facilities already on offer, generating more footfall in the town.

Ria Griffiths, the development project manager explained, “We wanted people to come out of the scheme and get out onto the high street itself.”

Complementing the project Mike Amesbury added “This project is providing vital homes for people, and I know this will very much be welcomed by the local residents.”

Unlock Runcorn

Graham Wallace, the Chair of the Runcorn Locks Restoration Society, updated Mike on the Canalside experience component of the Unlock Runcorn Project.

Phase 1 of the project began with the Big Dig, which saw the first spades go in the ground in the hopes to reach the ‘’bullnose’’.  The “bull nose” is an area on the canal route in Runcorn where the two lines of locks meet between the railway viaduct and Percival Lane. The archaeological dig was open to the community on Saturday 31st August where they were able to learn more about the history of the buried structures archaeology as well as an update of the project as a whole. The aim of the project is to extend the canal by 70 metres, which will allow moorings for the charity to run visitor boat trips.  As part of the “Big Dig” the aim was also to excavate the area and expose some of the original canal structures.

“This will bring millions of people to Runcorn as they have something spectacular to see” Said Graham Wallace Construction begins on what is set to be a state-of-the-art youth centre in Runcorn.

A few days before construction began on site at the new Youth centre ‘’, Claire Bradbury the CEO of Power in Partnership talked Mike through the plans and what is to come for this project, as it embarks on around 18 months of construction works. “This centre is being built with the young people of Runcorn and the wider community truly at the heart of the plans.” comments Claire.  She mentioned that they will be “employing apprentices from the beginning with the building of the centre”.

Talking about the hopes for the centre “We want to engage with the young people and give them options and skills when they hit 16”. The project is all about strengthening communities. Once complete this state-of-the-art youth hub will have facilities to offer cookery sessions, table tennis, TikTok dance space, a winter garden and so much more.  There will be something for everyone.

Reflecting on the project Mike said, “This project is a great example of powering up people. The passion shines through, of course this is going to be the best-in-class facility.” 

The Brindley Theatre Enhancement

The Brindley is a much-loved, award-winning entertainment venue in the heart of Runcorn. With the Reconnecting Runcorn investment, work has begun to extend the offer of the theatre and its facilities, as well as making it more accessible and will have a welcoming civic space. The restaurant will be expanded, and it has been proposed to being in the town library.

The aim is to create a cultural vibrancy to the town centre, creating a cultural hub, connecting the Brindley with the rest of the town centre. This is a two-year project due to be completed summer 2026.

This will not only benefit the local community, but also be a visitor attraction for Runcorn.

The Buddhist Temple Peace Garden – “This is our gift to the community”

This September has marked the completion of the new community Peace Garden at the Wat Phra Singh Buddhist Temple. This garden has become a little haven of peace and tranquillity for the town.

With over 700 plants in the garden surrounding the bronzed Chedi statue, which take centre stage, this is the first of its kind in the Northwest. Since its arrival from Thailand in July the statue has been meticulously installed. When walking past you stop and take a closer look. “It is fast becoming one of the most photographed objects in Runcorn” according to temple trustee Tony Collacott.

Following the visit from the head monk of their parent temple in Thailand the retaining wall of the garden will become the ‘Memorial wall’. The community and supporters are invited to place a plaque on here, so it is a memorial wall for everybody.

Summing up his time with some of the projects as part of the scheme Mike said “The Reconnecting Runcorn projects harness that sense of community pride and build on the town’s industrial heritage while looking to the future. There are now spades in the ground, it is not just a pipedream but change you can see happening around us.”

It doesn’t stop there…

The other projects have been busy behind the scenes. As part of the High Street Connectivity project, the street art strand has entered into final interviews with local artists, where one lucky one will bring the stories of Runcorn to life. Hazlehurst Studios was the first project strand to complete as part of the programme and one year on they have hosted several open days already and are excited to host even more this year.

Several of the other projects within the programme have also advanced to the next stage of planning permission. To keep up to date with the latest developments for Reconnecting Runcorn visit

Watch the full video to hear more about the projects breaking ground across the town.

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